Masked Wrestlers And Who They Realy Were Kane Isaac Yankem D.D.S. (New diesel) WWF Arachnaman Brad Armstrong WCW Avatar Leif Cassidy WWF The Avenger Owen Hart Stampede Badstreet Brad Armstrong WCW Battle Cat Brady Boone WWF Black Blood Billy Jack Haynes WCW The Black Knight Jeff Gaylord WWF The Black Scorpion Al Perez, Ric Flair WCW Black Tiger Eddy Guerrero New Japan The Blue Blazer Owen Hart WWF The Blue Knight Greg Valentine WWF The Bullet Bob Armstrong SMW Captain USA John Studd WCW The Cheetah Kid Rocco Rock of Public Enemy Japan The Christmas Creature Isaac Yankem aka New Diesel USWA The Conquistadors Jose Estrada & Luis Rivera WWF The Dark Patriot Doug Gilbert GWF & ECW Dark Secret Jesse James SMW Dink Tiger Jackson WWF The Doinks Matt Borne, Steve Keirn, Brooklyn Brawler, & Ray Apollo WWF Doomsday New Diesel South Independ. The Executioners(1970's) Killer Kowalski, John Studd, & Niko. Volkoff WWWF The Executioners(1990's) Duane Gill & Barry Hardy WWF Fantasia Brad Armstrong WCW Freedom Fighter Brad Armstrong WCW The Giant Machine Andre the Giant WWF The Gobbledy Gooker Hector Guerrero WWF The Wizard Kevin Sullivan WCW The Handsome Stranger Marcus Bagwell GWF Kato Paul Diamond WWF & ECW Kim Chee The Brooklyn Brawler WWF Kwang Savio Vega WWF Lord Humungous Sid CWA The Masked Superstar Demolition Ax Independents The Master of Pain The Undertaker USWA Max Moon Konnan, Paul Diamond WWF Aldo Montoya PJ Walker WWF Mr. JL Jerry Lynn WCW Mr. Madness Randy Savage WWF The Patriot Del Wilkes WCW, All-Japan The Pegasus Kid Chris Benoit New Japan Shanghai Pierce Henry Godwinn WCW The Punisher The Undertaker WCCW The Red Knight Barry Horowitz WWF The Repo Man Demolition Smash WWF Shinobi Leif Cassidy WWF, Japan Siva Ahmed Johnson Independents The Spider Randy Savage Independents The Spiders The Headbangers WWF & USWA Starship Coyote Scott Hall Independents Starship Eagle Dan Spivey Independents The Super Assassins Warlord & Barbarian WCW The Super Invader Hercules WCW The Zodiac Gary Young, Cactus Jack WCCW The Yellow Dog Brian Pillmam WCW The Yeti Ron Reis WCW Xanta Klaus Balls Mahoney WWF Photographer at 93 King of the Ring